Thursday, October 11, 2012

Deferred Action

I started hearing more and more about this new policy that the Department of Homeland Security has issued.  I don't much about it and I am still learning, but what I understand about it, is that if someone was brought to the US as children, and do not present a risk to national security, and who qualify following several guidelines, they will be considered for relief from removal from this country.  As a person who works at a Spanish Immersion school where we may or may not have undocumented families, I feel this is a very important issue to talk about and discuss.  I know in our class, the whole topic of illegal immigrants and the border is a very hot topic.  I am not sure how I feel about the whole issue.  From what we discussed on Tuesday night, it makes me feel like Americans that hire illegal immigrants are the one's breaking the law and they should be the ones that are punished for it as well.  I think one thing that I have really been thinking a lot about lately is the whole idea of immigration.  Our country is made up of immigrant families.  Yes, there are some that have been here for generations, but we are all part of families that immigrated here and took over the lands that we live on, and now we have a problem with letting people in, that are coming to the US for the same reasons our ancestors came here, a better life.  Really?  I will vent more about this in my final overview of the class...  it's a heated conversation I know.  But here is what I found on Deferred Action:

Immigrant Law Center and Deferred Action

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