Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week of September 21, 2012 Partner Interview....

First of all, terrible title for a post, but, I am trying to put some things on my blog that I didn't put on their when I should have.  My posts will probably be  a little out of order as I try and play catchup with things....kind of like my life.  Here is what I wrote about my report with Julie:

I had the opportunity to interview Julie Leitner about her thoughts on the book Harvest of Empire.  During her reading she found that some of the lows had to be the mass killings.  The brutality and the sheer number of people who lost their lives was amazing.  The high would have to be the history the story provided.  “It gives me a better understanding of what really happened.  The history books touch lightly on these topics, but do not by any means provide the detail of Harvest of Empire.
            Julie felt that some of the story highlights were the mention of African slaves in Latin America.  Slavery in America has been discussed and dissected time and time again but the mention of large amounts of African slaves who did hard labor harvesting gold, sugar, tobacco and cocoa is not really talked about.  We discussed how the history books we grew up with never mentioned that the Amerindians were not part of the labor force in the English colonies either.
            One thing that Julie learned that she did not know before was how property ownership was handled.  Per Spanish tradition, a family’s ownership of land and urban holdings is by far more different than the English.  The property is handed down from generation to generation but owned by the eldest son.  Other family members could be assigned partials but they could not own it.  Whereas the English, would give ownership to each child.
            When asked what she would like to learn more about, she would like to know more about how Cuba played a great deal in history.  It is mentioned over and over again, that Cuba is a parcel of land that everyone seems to want.  She would like to know why?

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